This 18-kilometre self-drive (and town walk) passes sites of historical and natural significance.

It is a leisurely half-day outing that passes the 350-million-year-old London bridge, the old breakaway brewery site, the former state gold battery and other places of importance to the town of Sandstone.

Stop in for lunch at the old Post and Telegraph Office (turn cafe) then wander over to the visitor centre and heritage museum to see a great collection of memorabilia. Here you can pick up a key to go into the Black Range Chapel on your walk around town; the chapel has beautiful stained-glass windows depicting local flora and fauna.

When available, third-generation local Beth takes walking tours. She has lots of knowledge of the town and its history so be sure to ask at the Visitor Centre as bookings are essential.


  • Art & Culture
  • History & Heritage
Sandstone, 6639, Australia